

A Bunicorn will still have a rarity from 1 to 5 stars. One Bunicorn will have at least one element: Fire, Earth, Water, or Air. More elements might be added in the future as the game makes more progress. A hybrid Bunicorn may be born with more than one element from breeding.


Each Bunicorn will have levels. You feed the Bunicorn with food to level up. Each Bunicorn will have a max level. The Temple determines the max level on your island and the power of the Bunicorn.

HP & Damage

Each Bunicorn has an HP and a Damage stat to be used in battles. These stats are different in each Bunicorn depending on their rarity and levels.


Each Bunicorn has a power ranked from 0 to 5. Bunicorn’s power can be upgraded through the action of enhancing Bunicorn in order to get the bonus of up to 19%

  • power 1: >= 660 bonus attr

  • power 2: >= 1100 bonus attr

  • power 3: >= 1760 bonus attr

  • power 4: >= 3080 bonus attr

  • power 5: >= 4400 bonus attr


Bunicorns also have skills. There are two types of skills: base skills (Element = Neutral), elemental skills (Element = Fire/Water/Earth/Air). The list of skills is specified in the following document.

Within a battle, base skills can damage all Bunicorns. Meanwhile, elemental skills have elemental advantages in battles. Kindly check the Skills & Elemental Advantages in the Battle page below for details.


You can train your Bunicorn inside the Training Center with new skills. Training each skill takes time, and during that time, the Bunicorn will not produce any Gold. You can speed up the training time by paying BUR or using a higher-level trainer.

Win Count

Each time your Bunicorn defeats another one in any battle, its win count will increase. Reaching a certain number of Win Counts will improve the HP and Damage stats.

Gold Rate

This is the Bunicorn’s speed of generating gold. The amount of gold generated will be collected when there is a pair of Bunicorn and Trainer in the Buni House. The gold rate increases when the level of the Bunicorn increases.

Halving Gold Rate

After a milestone, the Bunicorn’s Halving Baseline will be reduced accordingly and CAN NOT BE REVERTED. The user can choose to skip the action of halving baseline by paying an amount of BUR.

gold_amount_per_hour = halving_rate * gold_rate


  • gold_amount_per_hour is the actual amount of Gold a Bunicorn can produce every hour.

  • gold_rate is an attribute of Bunicorn based on their rarity and level.

  • halving_rate is 1 initially, but it will be reduced by X% after every Y days. X and Y will be determined later to be fair enough for old and new players.

After X days (X is proportional to Bunicorn's rarity), your Bunicorn will generate 10% less gold production. After each halving milestone, the halving-free fee increases 5%. If a halving milestone is due without payment, it will become permanent (cannot revert the gold reduction)

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